Wednesday, February 1, 2012


*This post was meant for yesterday.*
Craftsy has a mystery box sale on the last day of each month. They are beautiful! I love a good mystery, I love mail, and love yarn. It's everything awesome packed up into box!

I am not the best photographer, I thought by titling the camera (read; iphone)
it would make the picture better, hah.
Here is the one I ordered in November. The green is Cascade Yarns Kid Seta. Chances are good I will never use this yarn, but it's nice to have for now as part of my "nice" yarn collection. Of which there is little. The orange and blue are Cascade Yarns "Venezia" a lovely silk merino blend. The needles though! I love! I have used them lots already, and know I will continue too. They are Lantern Moon Rosewood.

Here is December's mystery box. It was a special year end one, so four $50 you got $100 worth. The mint colored one is Lorna's Laces, and I don't love the color, but it's still a very nice yarn. The burnt orange I am deeply in love with. It's Cascade Yarns Epiphany. They had more on sale which I ordered yesterday. I am saving it to make myself a sweater some day when my skills have improved, and are worthy of the yarn. The needles are Lantern Mood circulars which I am sure will get plenty of use.

I ordered yesterday's box as well and am very excited for it's arrival! Waiting not so patiently.

To end here is a photo of the rest of my "collection" yarn. There are three colorways of Noro Taiyo, that my Aunt sent me. The pink is Party Pink Malabrigo Silky Merino, that I bought in Regina, and wish I had bought more as I can't find it anywhere online, and there isn't much I can do with that little bit. On the same Regina trip I bought that ball of Schoppel Wolle Ambiente. They had a sample knit up into a hat and I loved the way it patterned. I should have bought more of that also.

A good thing that happened recently was that we bought kitchen lights! We have been in our house for a while now, and the kitchen has been fairly dark, just using the pot lights between the kitchen and living room. Now to get them installed!